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# chatgpt prompt
나는 네가 TEPS 어휘 관련해서는 최고의 선생님이라고 생각해.
100일짜리 영어단어 수업 컨텐츠를 만들껀데 나에게 100일중 1일차에 공부할 영어단어 10개를 알려줘
각 단어의 뜻을 옆에 영어로 써주고 바로 다음줄에 그 단어가 들어가 있는 예시 문장 3개도 만들어줘.
마지막으로 10개의 단어에 대한 내용 다음에 10개의 단어로 만들어진 소설도 작성해줘.
아래와 같이 나오는데 요걸 vrew에서 쓸수 있는 방식으로 수정합니다.
Definition: Feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly.
Example sentences:
She was indignant when she discovered her work had been plagiarized.
The students were indignant at the unfair grading system.
He voiced his indignant protest against the government's decision.
Definition: To agree with someone or have the same opinion.
Example sentences:
I concur with your assessment of the situation.
The committee members concurred on the need for stricter regulations.
The jury concurred on the verdict of guilty.
Definition: Expressing yourself clearly, effectively, and persuasively in speech or writing.
Example sentences:
The politician delivered an eloquent speech that moved the audience.
She wrote an eloquent letter expressing her gratitude to the supporters.
The poet's words were so eloquent that they brought tears to my eyes.
Definition: To accept or agree to something, often reluctantly or without protest.
Example sentences:
Despite his reservations, he eventually acquiesced to their demands.
The company had no choice but to acquiesce to the union's demands.
She didn't want to go, but she acquiesced to her friends' plans.
Definition: Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Example sentences:
The students seemed apathetic towards the upcoming exam.
The apathetic response from the crowd disappointed the performer.
He had an apathetic attitude towards politics.
Definition: To regard with great respect or reverence.
Example sentences:
In many cultures, people venerate their ancestors.
The artist's work is venerated for its beauty and creativity.
The religious leader is venerated by his followers.
Definition: Difficulties or misfortune.
Example sentences:
She faced many adversities in her life but never gave up.
The team showed great resilience in the face of adversity.
Adversity often reveals a person's true character.
Definition: Dealing with problems in a practical and sensible way rather than following fixed theories or beliefs.
Example sentences:
The CEO took a pragmatic approach to solving the company's financial issues.
She was known for her pragmatic decision-making skills.
In times of crisis, it's important to be pragmatic rather than idealistic.
Definition: Having more than one possible meaning or interpretation.
Example sentences:
The instructions were so ambiguous that no one knew what to do.
His ambiguous response left us uncertain about his intentions.
The ending of the movie was intentionally ambiguous, leaving the audience to draw their own conclusions.
Definition: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Example sentences:
Smartphones have become ubiquitous in today's society.
Coffee shops are ubiquitous in this city; you can find one on almost every corner.
The internet has made information ubiquitous and easily accessible.
Now, let's create a short story using the 10 words:
Once upon a time in a small town, there lived an apath
Here's the continuation of the story:
Once upon a time in a small town, there lived an apathetic young man named Ethan. He went about his days with indifference, rarely showing any interest in the world around him. One day, a series of adversities struck the town, causing chaos and despair. The townspeople, desperate for guidance, turned to Ethan's pragmatic father, who possessed a venerated wisdom.
As the town faced the challenges brought by adversity, Ethan's father delivered an eloquent speech, urging the community to come together and overcome their differences. His words resonated with the townspeople, stirring a newfound sense of unity and determination. Even Ethan, known for his apathy, felt a spark of inspiration within him.
With a renewed perspective, Ethan began to concur with his father's pragmatic approach. He no longer wanted to remain apathetic and decided to actively participate in finding solutions for the town's problems. His once ambiguous intentions became clear as he dedicated himself to helping others and embracing the ubiquitous spirit of community.
As days turned into weeks, Ethan's efforts started to bear fruit. He worked tirelessly to bring people together, bridging the gaps caused by adversity. His actions earned him the respect and veneration of the townspeople, who saw him as a beacon of hope in their darkest times.
Through their collective diligence and unity, the town emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. The adversities that once threatened to tear them apart now served as a catalyst for positive change. Ethan's transformation from an apathetic bystander to an influential leader became a symbol of the town's ability to overcome any obstacle.
In the end, the story of Ethan and the town became a parable of the power of resilience, pragmatism, and the importance of facing adversity with a venerated spirit. Their journey taught them that even in the face of ambiguity, when people come together, they can create a future filled with hope and possibility.
I hope you find this story engaging and helpful for your vocabulary practice. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
수정한 스크립트
TEPS 100 day study.
Indignant: Feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly.
She was indignant when she discovered her work had been plagiarized.
The students were indignant at the unfair grading system.
He voiced his indignant protest against the government's decision.
Concur: To agree with someone or have the same opinion.
I concur with your assessment of the situation.
The committee members concurred on the need for stricter regulations.
The jury concurred on the verdict of guilty.
Eloquent: Expressing yourself clearly, effectively, and persuasively in speech or writing.
The politician delivered an eloquent speech that moved the audience.
She wrote an eloquent letter expressing her gratitude to the supporters.
The poet's words were so eloquent that they brought tears to my eyes.
Acquiesce: To accept or agree to something, often reluctantly or without protest.
Despite his reservations, he eventually acquiesced to their demands.
The company had no choice but to acquiesce to the union's demands.
She didn't want to go, but she acquiesced to her friends' plans.
Apathetic: Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
The students seemed apathetic towards the upcoming exam.
The apathetic response from the crowd disappointed the performer.
He had an apathetic attitude towards politics.
Venerate: To regard with great respect or reverence.
In many cultures, people venerate their ancestors.
The artist's work is venerated for its beauty and creativity.
The religious leader is venerated by his followers.
Adversity: Difficulties or misfortune.
She faced many adversities in her life but never gave up.
The team showed great resilience in the face of adversity.
Adversity often reveals a person's true character.
Pragmatic: Dealing with problems in a practical and sensible way rather than following fixed theories or beliefs.
The CEO took a pragmatic approach to solving the company's financial issues.
She was known for her pragmatic decision-making skills.
In times of crisis, it's important to be pragmatic rather than idealistic.
Ambiguous:Having more than one possible meaning or interpretation.
The instructions were so ambiguous that no one knew what to do.
His ambiguous response left us uncertain about his intentions.
The ending of the movie was intentionally ambiguous, leaving the audience to draw their own conclusions.
Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Smartphones have become ubiquitous in today's society.
Coffee shops are ubiquitous in this city; you can find one on almost every corner.
The internet has made information ubiquitous and easily accessible.
Now, let's create a short story using the 10 words:
Once upon a time in a small town, there lived an apathetic young man named Ethan.
He went about his days with indifference, rarely showing any interest in the world around him.
One day, a series of adversities struck the town, causing chaos and despair.
The townspeople, desperate for guidance, turned to Ethan's pragmatic father, who possessed a venerated wisdom.
As the town faced the challenges brought by adversity, Ethan's father delivered an eloquent speech,
urging the community to come together and overcome their differences. His words resonated with the townspeople,
stirring a newfound sense of unity and determination. Even Ethan, known for his apathy, felt a spark of inspiration within him.
With a renewed perspective, Ethan began to concur with his father's pragmatic approach.
He no longer wanted to remain apathetic and decided to actively participate in finding solutions for the town's problems.
His once ambiguous intentions became clear as he dedicated himself to helping others and embracing the ubiquitous spirit of community.
As days turned into weeks, Ethan's efforts started to bear fruit. He worked tirelessly to bring people together,
bridging the gaps caused by adversity. His actions earned him the respect and veneration of the townspeople,
who saw him as a beacon of hope in their darkest times.
Through their collective diligence and unity, the town emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before.
The adversities that once threatened to tear them apart now served as a catalyst for positive change.
Ethan's transformation from an apathetic bystander to an influential leader became a symbol of the town's ability to overcome any obstacle.
In the end, the story of Ethan and the town became a parable of the power of resilience, pragmatism,
and the importance of facing adversity with a venerated spirit. Their journey taught them that even in the face of ambiguity,
when people come together, they can create a future filled with hope and possibility.
I hope you find this story engaging and helpful for your vocabulary practice. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
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